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Dear Mother in-law,

I see things differently now. I remember the day I met you, terrified beyond belief.

Who wouldn't be? After all, I met your son, fell head over heals, and all of the sudden, I am in your living room. You had no choice in this, you had to trust that he would make a good decision. You had no idea who I was, where I came from, or what my intentions were.

After a whopping two and a half weeks, my roommate situation was a flop, and I moved all of my things into your house. You must have been out of your mind! Looking back now, I just think....WHO DOES THAT? Let's some random girl your son brings home, move in with your family?!?!

So many things through the years play such a big part in where we are today. The good times, the bad, the love, the disagreements, the vacations, the milestones, and all of the changes.

I see why you questioned things, I see why you were so protective, I see why you wanted to be involved. I see you now. Having a son has taught me a love I could have never imagined.

I see you love your son with every breath you have. I see you hug him every time he leaves, I see you cry as you drive away. I see you. I see things differently now. I see the way I treated you before, I never understood why you couldn't let go. You always wanted what was best for him, but for the longest time, I never felt like I was good enough. I see things differently now.

I see the way you take pride in his accomplishments, I see the way you encourage him, I see the way you talk him through things. I see you as his mom. For the longest time, I saw you as a threat. This wasn't a competition for who could love him more. It took me a long time to realize it wasn't you I needed to block out. It was my thoughts, my feelings, my own mind. I was my own enemy. At the end of the day, I wanted him to choose me, and only me.

I see things differently now. We both have our places in his life. We have found out what makes us all work better together. I am thankful for our relationship. I am thankful for you.

I hope my son looks at me, the way yours looks at you. I hope that my son always finds a place for me in his life, and I hope that he will always love me like yours love you, no matter the circumstances.

I never imagined I would end up being a boy mom, and you being a boy nana, but here we are. The next chapter has begun where we get to learn, yet another kind of love together.

I see you.

I love you.

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