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Rookie mom life.

Let's get to it, no matter what you read, or the advice given, you literally have no clue what the hell you are doing. Thankfully the "mommy instinct thing" is a real thing that just comes with the new baby. Let's talk about all of the things that I have learned in the first month.

[FEEDING] - The hospital staff was incredible and mostly patient. I wanted to try breastfeeding, but I wasn't thoroughly convinced that was my only option. That's not something most new rookie mom's should even say, considering "mommy groups" are quite shameful (you will read about that down further), but I didn't care. Turns out, I am not even ashamed to say that it wasn't for me, but guess what...this baby is FED! Pat on the back, because at the end of the day, that is all that matters.

[SLEEPING] - Everyone's advice is to sleep when they sleep, but for at least the first week, it's basically impossible because you're too busy standing five inches over them making sure they are breathing. It get's easier after that, and the routine will come eventually. Keep coffee on hand.

[ACCEPTING HELP!] - If you're stubborn at all like me, and far too independent for your own good, knock that thought process off now, because YOU WANT THE HELP! You want ALL of the help. If someone wants to come cook for you, do your laundry, sweep your house, mow your lawn, or even grocery shop, ACCEPT IT!

[VISITORS] - SET YOUR BOUNDARIES! You do not owe anyone an explanation. Always set a time limit prior to people coming over, especially if they are in big groups. It is more exhausting than enjoyable to have people visit. Make them wash their hands, and don't be afraid to say it twice if you need to. Then sanitize. Germs are nasty, and you want to do everything possible to prevent sickness with the baby.

[SCHEDULES] - I don't know if I am just a lucky mom, but Easton has been on the same schedule since a week after we got home from the hospital. Staying consistent has been the best thing for all of us. It is possible to make this happen.

[PHONES, TABLETS, TV] - Keep them close. Pictures have made this whole new mom thing fun. Since Easton loves music, we always have Pandora close. TV has made background sounds easy, especially while he is sleeping, plus you can binge all of your favorite shows.

YOU DO NOT need to feel obligated to answer texts, calls, snaps, messages, facebook comments, etc. People need to understand that you will get back to them when you get back to them.

[SELF-CARE] - HA! Don't count on more than a shower. If you have time and energy to make yourself look like you didn't fall out of a dumpster after a hellish hangover, you're better than I am. There is no time for primping. That hair straightener might as well go in a shadow box as a memory for at least the first month. I am hoping that changes soon, because I am feeling rough.

[ADVENTURES OUT] - If you think you have everything you need, you probably don't. What worked best for me is having a diaper bag checklist and scrolling through it while I packed the bag. We went with a backpack, it has been incredible. Carseats are heavy, and I think my biggest fear has been bringing him shopping without a stroller (because that is just too much work) and having stores with funky carts or no sanitizer wipes *EW!* I ended up getting little sanitizer sprays that I can attach right to his carseat, and spritz it down before he even gets put in the cart.

[MOM SHAMING] - It is real, and it is fierce af! Do NOT join mommy groups on the internet. Never in my life have I ever seen so many grown women with so much time on their hands to bully other moms. It's shameful. Its disgraceful. Its simply pathetic. If you dare to join them, use it to sit back and watch...DO NOT engage :D :D

[ADVICE & SUGGESTIONS NOT REQUESTED] - Learn really quick that hormones are ridiculous, and you will probably lose your mind if you take anything to heart. EVERYONE wants to input their advice, or suggestions. Listen, but choose your own way if that doesn't work for you. Don't act like you know everything, because you don't! If you are passive aggressive, it never turns out good. Just thank the person, and either take the advice, or don't. This experience will be trial and error for the rest of their life.

The next post will be fun. ALL of the things I have learned NOT to do being a new mom.

If you have any suggestions that should be added, leave them in the comments.

xoxo, Krystil

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